Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen
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In what you are about to read now, you might get yourself a laugh here and there over the language – our translations from Danish to English - but be our guest! There's nothing as healthy as a good laugh, so if we can add a few happy days to your life - then please read it again!! :-)
And outside of Denmark....
Their music has taken them to festivals and other venues in Scotland, Belgium, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Holland, Korea, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Poland, Malaysia and Germany. In Germany they have performed at the prestigious "Folk Fest Am Ith" which accredited them with excellent reviews.
Both Bente and Leif have performed on many occasions in Scotland; Leif as a member the dance band "Danish Export", and Bente as a solo guest at The Isle of Bute International Folk Festival, The Glenfarg Folk Feast, The Edinburgh Folk Festival, The Orkney Festival and many local folk clubs and other venues the length and breadth of the country not to mention live on BBC! And everything with great success.
And what does their repertoire include....
Their material is a blend of their own material mixed up with old Danish folksongs, other contemporary songs both in Danish and English, lively Scandinavian tunes - and a bit of Cajun, too!
Eventhough when Bente sings in Danish, her audience abroad tells her that with her expression and explanations, they almost feel that they understand the Danish words anyway. And the language of the sound of Leif's accordion is ofcourse international!
Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen
Mobile +0045 40 14 42 02 +0045 21 65 01 63
Concerts outside of Denmark....
Folkus Festival Magazine (Edinburgh Festival):
"Unfortunately Kathryn Tickell had to call off. However this led to a happy consequence. We got to hear a new voice: Bente Kure from Denmark. Bente has a great audience control and a smooth, natural voice."
The Scotsman (same event):
"Bente Kure filled the gap admirably!!"
The festival newsletter (The Glenfarg Folk Feast):
"As soon as we heard her we HAD to book her for the Folk Feast. Her voice blends beautifully with guitar accompaniment, and she can win over any audience with her charm and her easy manner. The quality of her performances stems from the fact that she shares with her audience the songs that she loves to sing."
ProFolk Intern after Folk Fest am Ith (German folk magazine):
"It was their first time in Germany and with charm, musical skill and an engaging repertoire that they won the audience over. In the end they were even given the possibility to join in and sing along in Danish - and they did!"
Concerts in Denmark....
Randers Amtsavis (Danish newspaper):
"An overwhelming experience from two artists...
People gathered around for what turned out to be a wonderful evenings experience. 'Straight to the heart' was the reaction of the audience".
Randers Amtsavis again (after a concert in a church):
"Far from musac and the usual boredom of the church...
They transformed a village church into a cathedral and gave a feeling of exultation to the listeners...
Two very accomplished enter-tainers and musicians...
Marvellous! Beautiful in a very moving way!"
Ringkøbing Amts Dagblad (Danish newspaper):
"The Danish songs rang out with warmth and beauty, and the spring sun and the light nights crept all the way into the darkness of the concert hall and underneath the skin of the audience...
Bente Kures beautiful, simple and unsentimental songs made the words come alive...
The performance is perfectly wrapped in the astounding virtuosity of Ernstsens accordion renderings of old Danish folk music."
Politiken (Danish newspaper):
"Leif's playing, accompanies the songs with a decidedly cordonbleu master touch!...
He creates pictures with a fine and delicate musical brush...
Bente Kure captures beautifully the atmosphere of the songs
Dagbladet Arbejderen (Danish newspaper):
Leif Ernstsen plays the accordion in his inimitable style - the sounds some-times even defying your own ears!"
You can order some of the CD's by sending an e-mail to
In the covers of the CD's everything is written in Danish, but further down on this page you can read English explanations to all the songs.
2010: Lidt røg fra Vorherres cigar (CD)
2009: Levitations (CD, Leif solo)
2006: Den niende udsigt (CD) (Nominated for a Danish Music Award 2007!)
2004: Julefluen (CD) (Christmas-songs)
2003: Ovenover Alting (CD) (Danish Music Award-winner 2004!)
2001: First takes..and a little bit more (CD) (Bente solo)
2000: Som dybest brønd (CD)
(songs from the danish poet Jeppe Aakjær)
2000: Snebær (CD) (comp. of #)
1998: Mod den næste morgen (CD)
1994: Forandring (CD,MC)
1991: Sygeplejerskesange (CD,MC)
1990: Madonna og de andre (MC) #
1989: Fløde i kaffen (MC) (Leif solo)
1989: Gi' nætterne navn (LP,MC) #
About "Lidt røg fra Vorherres cigar" (A little smoke from God's cigar)
All the songs are either written by Bente Kure or translated from norwegian og english.
Recorded by Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen in 2009-2010.
Bente Kure: Vocal, acc. guitar, vocal-harmonies
Leif Ernstsen: Accordion, keyboard
Jens Jefsen: Doublebass
1. At sige Ja (To say Yes)
by Bente Kure
2. Bedstemors vintermorgen (Grandmother's winters morning)
by Kalle Zwilgmeyer and Bente Kure
3. Lillesøster (Little sister)
by Bente Kure
4. Blomsten (The flower)
by Bente Kure
5. Mormors spejl (Grandmother's mirror)
by Bente Kure
6. Endnu (Still!)
by Kalle zwilgmeyer, Øistein Rian and Bente Kure
7. Klare lys (Bright light)
by Bente Kure
8. Matematiktime i forårssol (Math-lesson in spring-sunshine)
by Kalle zwilgmeyer, Tore Haraldsen, Susanne Lærkholm and Bente Kure
9. Hvis imorgen bli'r for sent (If tomorrow never comes)
by Garth Brooks, Kent Evan Blazy and Bente Kure
10. Ved porten til Dunédaïn I (By the gates to Dunédaïn)
by Leif Ernstsen
11. Skattekisten (The treasure-box)
by Lise Roed and Bente Kure
12. Aagots sang (Aagot's song)
by Bente Kure
13. Set på afstand (From a distance)
by Julie Gold and Bente Kure
14. Det' godt at se dig (It's good to see you)
by Allan Taylor, Alex Campbell and Rune T. Kidde
"It's good to see you, so good to see you. Oh how I've missed you since I've been gone. I've crossed the oceans, travelled through many lands. And it's good to see you, to be in your home."
- known from the CD "Forandring" - this time in a live-version
About "Den niende udsigt" (The ninth view)
A scandinavian influenced CD. All the songs are either written by Bente Kure or translated from swedish and norwegian. A tune is composed by Leif Ernstsen and even if he composed it in Greece, it has got a very Scandinavian tone.
Recorded by Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen in 2006 and in 2007 nominated to a Danish Music Award (A Grammy!) as Folk-song Album of the year.
Bente Kure: Vocal, acc. guitar, vocal-harmonies
Leif Ernstsen: Accordion
Perry Stenbäck: Acc. guitar, both 6 and 12 stringth, dobro , mandola
Björn Jönsson: Drums, percussion
Lars Bang Andersen: Soprano- & tenor-saxofon
Niels Vangkilde: bass, el-guitar, acc.guitar
Franka Abrahamsen: Vocal-harmonies
Thomas O. Jacobsen: Tuba, trombone
1. Ballerinadans (Ballerina dance)
by Bente Kure
A light and happy summers song about what kind of fires than can be lit in the hot summernights on the beach with some wine and the smell of the sun still hanging around
Hula Hula Dance with me
2. Papirflyver (The paper-plane)
by Bente Kure
Remember what it was like to be 13-14 years old going on scool-camp and secretly fancying one of the boys but unfortunately so does also the prettiest girl in the class and shes got the same name as you so loveletters gets easily misunderstood
3. Bankende hjerte (Heartbeat)
by Bente Kure
In the memory of a loved and lost dear one. Talking about places we went and good talks we had. Beneath the safe sound of the heartbeat I whisper out your name
4. Der er en sol (There is a sun)
by Rolf Henning Jensen, Norway. Transl. Bente Kure
There is a sun in everyone you, too. Let it shine out on me. Dont listen to bad weatherforcasts make your own good weather, because above the clouds everybody knows that the sky is blue and will always be.
5. Fornuften (Sensibility)
by Bente Kure
Its very hard nowadays to find out whats the most sensibel thing to do all the health experts, and even worse lifestyle experts (how on earth can you be such a one!) are loading us with inferiority complexes bad conscience about what we ought to and not. Well, as long as you remember to live before you die it should be alright!
6. Eventyr i frugt og grønt (Adventure in a green store!)
by Bente Kure
Inspired by the marriage between a computer nerd and a orcanic woman they met in a green store over a bag of carrots, and it happened at the same time as our royal prince got married to his australien Mary so basicly its a song about getting married full of hope and believes in spite of differencies.
7. Kærligheden og vinden (The love and the wind)
by Evert Taube, Sweden. Transl. Bente Kure
A yong couple on the island are having their last night together in 1852 before he is sailing away on a life-long journey. After 60 years he comes back, and a young woman stands there outside the old house - just like she once did - like time has been standing still. But it hasnt; an old woman comes out, and he learnes now that he once had a son, but the sea took him, and now the old woman is introducing him to his granddaughter and through her she has kept her love for him all these years.
8. Koroni (Koroni)
by Leif Ernstsen
A beautyful waltz composed in Greece, but evenso can give oyu an image of a scandinavian summersnight - the light never realy disapeares, and the young couple in love are dancing close round and round slowly to the sound of the enchanted tones from the accordeon
9. Jeg havde engang en båd (Once I had a boat)
by Cornelis Vreeswijk, Sweden. Transl. Keld Heick
The music is the old american folksong Hang on, sloop John B
The old folksong has become an anti war song: Once a young girl kisses her yong man goodbye before he goes to war and he says Nobodys gonna kill me! .....Wonder where he is now
10. Blådans (The blue dance)
by Vidar Sandbeck, Norway. Transl. Bente Kure
A lovely poem about When love has grown up and has become strong by all the troubles theyve faced together. A beautyful lovesong.
11. Brevet (The letter)
by Marie Bergman, Sweden. Transl. Bente Kure
A song written like a letter to a friend about feeling small, afraid of being yourself, afraid of the judgement from even your best friends a song about letting go of inferiority complexes and just say to one another what we feel and share our thoughts without fear and often learn that your hardest judge often is yourself!
12. Næsevise (The nose-song!)
by Kalle Zwilgmeyer, Norway. Transl. Bente Kure
Music: Steen Vidar Larsen
A song about our senses specially the nose and the fact that you are among the persons that smells so good! A lot of funny word-games are in this song
13. Trold! (Troll!)
by Lillebjørn Nilsen, Norway. Transl. Bente Kure
The troll cannot speak human tounge or stand the light of the day but watch out! Some trolls have learned to cope with the daylights and to speak human like humans. They have learned good behaviour and to say the right things in the right way at the right times. But beware if you look closely you will still see the long sharp nails and the tail sticking out this song is a funky political thriller!!
14. Vintermorgen (Winters morning)
by Bente Kure
A ballad created by the ice-flowers on the window and the pale light with a promise of better days with more light and warmth.
About "Julefluen" (The christmas flie)
12 christmas songs in Danish. Half of them well known and traditional, and the rest are either translations from swedish, norwegian or english - and there's a bit of Disney too!
The way the accordion is played reminds you of the organ in the church!
Bente Kure: Vocal, acc. guitar, vocal-harmonies
Leif Ernstsen: Accordion
Steffan Søgaard Sørensen: Doubble bass
Dan Gisen Malmquist: Sopransax, clarinet, bass-klarinet
Peter Abrahamsen: Vocal, vocal-harmonies
Childrens choir "The four drops":
- Stella Marie Tommerup, Malou Tentschert, Alberte Jensen,Simone Jensen
Cornelius Choir:
- Anette Corneliussen, Karen Kure, Margot Møller Nielsen, Lars Høy Hansen, Peter Plougmann, Lars Lyhne, Povl Barkler, Henriette Bohn, Danielle Baltoft, Bente Kure
1. Julefluen (The christmas flie)
by Kalle Zwilgmeyer & Hans Erisson, transl.:Bente Kure
The old Amanda (90 years old) is sitting on her own christmas evening and her only company is - a little flie that has awakend because of the heat from the candle-lights. She puts a small plate on the table with some suggar water.
2. Der er noget i luften (It's something in the air)
Remembering childhood's christmases - something in the air makes me happy inside and make me remember the good things.
3. Vise mænd (The three wise men)
by Lone Kjeldsen & Bente Kure
We are so clever at building bridges now a days. If only we could build the bridge to the land of wisdom, so that we realy could get peace on earth.
4. Juletræet med sin pynt (The christmas tree with it's fine things on)
Telling about how the tree is brought into our homes to remind us about that it will get green and warm again after the cold winter.
5. Francis Tolliver (Christmas in the trenches)
by John McCutcheon, transl.: Rune T. Kidde
A true story from worldwar one about english and german soldiers spending a christmas night together - making them think about who it actually is they're pointing their guns against. And it's also the story about that it's seldom the leaders who gives the orders that are in the battlefield!
6. Once in royal David's city
7. En duft af fred (A sent of peace)
A song of christmas, peace and friendship.
8. Adventskransen (The Advent Wreath)
A very strong tradition in Denmark is to have four candle lights in a wreath of pine-branches. And four sundays before christmas we start lighting the first candle, three sundays before two candles etc. In this song there is one verse for each candle.
9. Maria og fuglen (The gift)
by Stephanie Davies, transl.: Bente Kure
Maria finds a little grey bird with a broken wing - she heals it and wants to give it as a gift for Jesus in the church christmas night - but she is very sad, because she thinks it's too poor a gift. But When the bird flies up to the top of the church on two healed wings and sings so beautyful as only a nightinggale can do - it becomes the most precious gift of them all.
10. Nu har vi altså jul igen (Now it's christmas time again)
About all the lovely food and candy you get - and the stommach ache at the third day of christmas!!
11. Julen har bragt velsignet bud (Christmas has brought us lovely news)
Traditional hymn.
....og Fjollesang! (Silly song)
The tune from Disney's cartoon "Snowwhite" that is in the Disney Christmas-show that is always shown in Danish TV at the 2. day of christmas.
About "Ovenover alting" (Above it all)
A CD with songs written by Bente Kure, tunes composed by Leif Ernstsen and songs in Danish that Bente has translated from other languages such as english, swedish and norwegian. Recorded by Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen in 2003 and in 2004 reciever of af Danish Music Award (A Grammy!) as Folk-song Album of the year.
The songs are mostely about drawing the listeners attention towards the light and the possitive things in life, rather than the opposite.
Bente Kure: Vocal, acc. guitar, vocal-harmonies
Leif Ernstsen: Accordion
Rasmus Zeeberg: Acc. guitar, el-guitar, mandola
Steffan Søgaard Sørensen: Doubble bass
Björn Jönsson: Drums, green bellpepper box
Lars Bang Andersen: Alt- & tenor-saxofon
Michael Engman: El-guitar on track 11
Peter Abrahamsen: Vocal on track 11, frottoir
Mikael Wiehe: Vocal on track 11
Lillebjørn Nilsen: Vocal on track 11
Torhild Ostad: Harmonies on track 11
1. Sommer før April (Summer before April)
by Kalle Zwilgmeyer & Hans Erisson, transl.:Bente Kure
A very unusual thing in Denmark. Two people melts the snow in the wood in March
and later in their life they can always return to that expierience if their love should fade.
2. Gå ud i en dag (Walk out into the daylight)
by Bente Kure
About that very happy moment when you realize that the clouds has disapeared and you're able to enjoy life again.
3. Fluer (Flies)
by Bente Kure
A crazy song in about missing the last train and then...tsk tsk!
4. Boblesang (Bubble-song)
by Bente Kure
About being so happy that you're just about to take off from the ground. Feels like bubbles in your stommach.
5. Bjerget (The mountain)
by Bente Kure
Sitting there watching the sunset over the sea and feeling the peace in your heart. And then you suddenly then gets time for a bit of everyday philosophy: You can't judge anything - it always dependes on the ear that listens and the eye that sees.
6. Vildrosernes sang (Songs of the wild roses)
by Gerda Kunkel & Bente Kure
Wild roses can survive most things because they are in contact with their roots!
And it's the same with people!
7. I dit efterår (In your autumn)
by Bente Kure
Another crazy song about love - and that love is NOT only for the youngsters!
8. Ku' jeg gi' mit hjerte (If I only could give my heart)
by Djurhuus & Stanley Samuelsen, transl.: Bente Kure
If I only could give my heart I would - and I would also cry a path through the snow for
you to be able to walk barefoot - if only that would make you smile again...
9. Tivoli (Tivoli)
by Leif Ernstsen
A tune named after the famous amusement park in Copenhagen.
10. Hallo, charmør (Hello, handsome!)
by Bente Hedegaard
A crazy story about a worm that gets cut in two halves (and both stayes alive!) - and then it falls in love with its own tail!!
11. Sig godaften og godkvæld (Good-evening)
swedish traditional, transl.: Palle Aarslev
An old scandinavian greeting-song that wishes all the best for the other person
and talks also about the fact that music and friendship is better than gold and money
12. Poros (Poros)
by Leif Ernstsen
A tune named after one of our favourit places in Greece
About "Som dybest brønd" (Of all the deepest wells):
16 songs by Jeppe Aakjær (1866-1930) - one of Denmarks most famous national poets.
He was the author of the moors and the rural farm workers. He had the ability to paint
pictures with words. His descriptions of the atmosphere of the harvest (among other things) become so alive that as you listen, his words also take you back to the experience of how it must have been in those days.
With his grandiose simplicity, he described his beloved home, the moors of his childhood. But apart from being a poet, he was also a social author and a political agitator the spokesman of the poor people in the country.
Vocal and guitar: Bente Kure
Accordion: Leif Ernstsen
Doubble Bass: Jens Jeffsen
Clarinet and Saxophone: Al Damlund
1. Prelude: Øjeblikket ('The moment' by Leif Ernstsen) combined with melodies to two famous songs of Jeppe Aakjær and followed by a song: Jeg er havren (Bells of the oat). "...I'm the song of the lark on a straw..."
2. Spurven sidder stum bag kvist (The quiet sparrow in the snow)
(A winters evening) "...the colder the winds blows outside, the warmer the fire burns inside..."
3. Der dukker af disen (My homeland in the mist)
"...a house full of poverty and debts, but with flowers and swallows all around..."
4. Han kommer med sommer (He brings the summer)
(About the stork) "'ve got wings like an eagle but a mind of peace..."
5. Mod vår (Towards springtime)
(Written lying in a hospital missing his home and his wife)
"...before you leave me, oh sunray, please kiss the flower that my beloved brought me..."
6. Tyendesang (A song for the workers)
"...the light of the early dawn reflects in our spades as we march. The only banner we've got..."
7. Nu er det længe siden (It's long time ago...)
(Childhood memories of the harvest of the rye) "...the dear rye was our guest of honour..."
8. Jens Vejmand (Jens The road Mender)
(The story of a poor road mender's life and death) "...strange that throughout his life he worked with rocks and stones to smooth the road for others, but when he died, all they gave him was a woodden cross..."
9. Kvindesang (Womens liberation song)
(Written for the women that fought for the right to vote) "...too long she was the sleeping beauty, bu soon she will wake up and demand her rights..."
10. Stille Hjerte, sol går ned (Be silent, my heart, the sun sets)
"...the small ponds on the moor beautyfully reflects the sunset light..."
11. Anna var i Anders kær (Anna and Anders)
(The shy Anna getting her first kiss from Anders in the rye-field)
"...and what a single rye straw whitnesed the whole field knows by now!..."
12. Kræn Kresten og Kjesten (Kræn Kresten and Kjesten)
(Funny story: the man proposing because he wants her cow!) followed by a melody to another famous Aakjær-song: Som dybest brønd (Of all the deepest wells)
"...the cow may be reflected in my shining shoes but you're reflected in my heart, my dear (!!!)..."
13. Jeg nynner, jeg synger (I'm humming, I'm singing)
(About a small stream on the moor)
"...I can't run wild like rivers from high mountains, but I can make the millers wheel spin..."
14. Nu er dagen fuld af sang (And now the days are full of songs)
(Blessing spring time) followed by an instrumental: Sommervals (Summer waltz)
"...the flowers stretch up as if they wanted to by lit like a candle by the sun..."
15. Jeg bærer med smil min byrde (I carry my burden with a smile)
(What we today would call: Positive thinking!)
" heart's trembeling in joy if only I see the morning dew on a straw..."
16. Skuld gammel wenskaw rien forgo (Should auld aquaintence be forgot)
(About meeting old and dear friends again - a translation of the worldwide famous song by the scottish poet Robert Burns)
About "Mod den næste morgen" (Turning towards the morning)
A CD with songs written by Bente Kure, tunes composed by Leif Ernstsen and songs in Danish that Bente has translated from other languages such as english, swedish and norwegian. Recorded by Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen in 1998.
Bente Kure: Vocal, acc. guitar, vocal-harmonies
Leif Ernstsen: Accordion
Joachim Ussing - bass
Gert Smedegaard - drums
Ole M. Søegaard - vocal-harmonies
Michael Engman - conga, rythm-egg
Konrad Farmer Jahn - vocal-harmonies
Lisbeth Juul Hansen - acc.guitar
1. Rosens hemmelighed (Thorn upon the rose)
by Julie Matthews, transl.: Bente Kure
"So when you pick that handsome flower, don't forget the thorn upon the rose - Its cut is deep and its scar lasts forever. It follows love whereever love goes."
2. Engle i sneen (Angels in the snow)
by Ole Paus & Jonas Fjeld, trans.: Bente Kure
"Hold me, stay with me till morning is breaking a lover from a friend." - "Angels are in the snow, they can't escape - we know when springtime comes we'll disapear without a trace."
3. Sommerfugl i vinterland (A butterfly in winterland)
by Halvdan Sivertsen, transl.: Britt S. Hansen
A little black girl and her mother - refugies in the cold heart of Scandinavia - like butterflies in winterland. Yes, let's focus at your beautyful colours wich lights up in our darkness, instead of being afraid of you because you're strangers.
4. Der er noget ved ham (There's just something about him!)
by Ole Paus, transl.:Bente Kure
He's always hunted by taxmen, sharks and ex-wives' soliciters. But he keeps on surviving - and he's very charming....!
5. Elskerindens have (The mistress' garden)
by Bente Kure
In the mistress' garden there's always a flowerbed ready, and there's always a mist of lies, but still the colours of the flowers are shining bright. And they're watered from the tears from her eyes. And yet it's her own choise to stay in that garden - her selfmade prison.
6. Sæt tasken fra dig (Put down your bags - and stay)
by Ole Paus & Jonas Fjeld, trans.: Bente Kure
How long will it be before you can tell me what is and what isn't?
How far will you have to walk befor you can rest?
Rest here now - at least for tonight. I've got a little warmth left - share it with me. It's not musc - but enough for tonight.
7. Så ung som du vil ( As young as you wish)
by Bente Kure
You are as young inside as you choose yourself. Even if your body turns old it's still possible to keep your mind young. But you have to work for it - and it isn't necercerly easy.
8. Fri fugl (Bird on a wing)
by Connie Kaldor, trans.: Bente Kure
About a woman waiting for someone to take her away from that boring place she is in - and in the end realizing that she is the only one that can change her life - she shouldn't wait for someone else to do it for her!
9. Elsk med mig nu (Make love to me now)
by Björn Afzelius, transl.: Bente Kure
An the hour of the day is in the early morning light....
10. Mod den næste morgen (Turning towards the morning)
by Gordon Bok, trans.: Bente Kure
When you get depressed by the darkness of the winter - then don't blame mother nature - because the world is always turning towards the morning.
11. Lev min ven (LIVE now, my friend)
by Richard Hobert, trans.: Bente Kure
Live your life now - here and now - remember that tomorrow can be too late. We may live again - but this life is the only one we've got for just now!
12. Den danske sang er en ung blond pige (The Danish song is a young, blond girl)
by Kai Hoffmann & Bente Kure
The song comperes the song-tradition with a young, blond girl who's singing in the house of Denmark.
13. Vind op i rå (An old sailors expression)
Set sails - I'm sailing away - I'll be back some day! - but goodbye for now.
About "Forandring" (Changes)
A CD with songs written by Bente Kure, tunes composed by Leif Ernstsen and songs in Danish that Bente or others has translated from other languages such as english, swedish and norwegian. Recorded by Bente Kure & Leif Ernstsen in 1994.
Bente Kure: Vocal, acc. guitar, vocal-harmonies
Leif Ernstsen: Accordion
Niels Vangkilde - bass, electric guitar, acc.guitar
Flemming Quist Møller - congas
Alan Klitgaard - voc.harmonies
Jens Christensen - voc.harmonies
Lisbeth Juul Hansen - acc.guitar
Henrik Simonsen - doublebass
Nina Frederiksen - piano
1. Regnen (The rain)
by Rune T. Kidde
I've heard many bad things about how times are these days:
Flocks of black crows in the night, poor people being cheated, the killing of our nature, churces made of stone and not spirit. And yet I still hear the raindrops on my windows like HOPE is knocking at my door.
2. Godt at se dig (It's good to see you)
by Allan Taylor. Transl. by Rune T. Kidde and Alex Campbell
It's good to see you, so good to see you. Oh how I've missed you since I've been gone.
I've crossed the oceans, travelled through many lands. And it's good to see you, to be in your home.
3. Den lange tavshed (The long silence)
by Rudolf Nielsen. Transl. by Bente Kure
I haven't forgot your smiles. It's just so long ago since I've seen you so I didn't know what to say. Therefor I chose silence.
4. Kom tilbage (Please come back)
by Bente Kure
About a relationship between a woman and a married man: "Please come back so I can let go of my dreams of you - because you're not right for me, but in my dreams you are - please set me free!"
5. Skæbne (Destiny)
by Morten Nielsen and Bente Kure
What is it that can make a boy turn into a beast in Hitlers uniform when he grows up? This song tries to look into that. This boy was fat, ugly and mobbed in school - mobbing of the worst kind. And now in the uniform he IS somebody and seeks revenche.
6. Afsked (The parting)
A tune written by Leif Ernstsen.
7. Francis Tolliver (Christmas in the trenches)
by John McCutcheon, transl.: Rune T. Kidde
A true story from worldwar one about english and german soldiers spending a christmas night together - making them think about who it actually is they're pointing their guns against. And it's also the story about that it's seldom the leaders who gives the orders that are in the battlefield!
8.Ejendomsretten (The right of ownership)
by Rune T. Kidde
We think that we own nature, the world and each other. But we don't!
"I'd rather have ten or more free birds in the air, than one captured in my hand - and I want you to give me everything - but only if you want to!"
9. Hustru, datter , mor (Mothers,daughters, wives)
by Judy Small. Transl. Bente Kure
Judy Small wrote this song to her mother and all the other women w in the generation that lost their fathers in worldwar one, their husbands in worldwar two and their sons in Korea or Vietnam. And how they did the work of men when it was nececery, and steped back again when the men returned broken from the battlefields.
10. Livets nødvendige smerte (The nececery pain in life)
by Bente Kure
Some pain in life is nececery to go through to get wiser. There's a gift hidden in all kinds of trouble - but you need not to fear darkness to get it.
11. Nat-Jensen (Night-Jensen)
by Jane Simonsen and Bente Kure
The old nurse working night-shifts is having her last duty before she retires - she is thinking of the good life she had as a nurse - but are also looking forward to the new life that is lying ahead.
12. Myten om Florence Nightingale (The myth of F.N.)
by Rune T. Kidde
Now a days we use F.N. as an example of the gentle, soft, nice, sacreficing woman. Ths song is to tell you, that in reallity she was a strong, independed woman who took control of her own life in times where women did not do that normally - and we need to understand that about her now!
13. Når du har ondt (When you're in pain)
by Lene Malmstrøm and Bente Kure
When you're in pain you need someone to take over - it's so hard to communicate in and out through a wall of pain.
14.Forandring (Changes)
by Anette Kure Corneliussen and Bente kure
Some moments in life you think that everything is over - but often that is just when the new, good things start to happend.
About "Snebær" (Snowberries)
A compilation CD with the songs from the two first recordings Bente & Leif made back in '89 and '90
It's a mixture of old folksongs and Bente's own material.
Teknics: Morten Nilsson
Producer: Alan Klitgaard, Leif Ernstsen og Bente Kure
Bente Kure - vocal & guitar
Leif Ernstsen - accordeon
Henrik Simonsen - doublebass
Nils Thorlund - guitar
Alan Klitgaard - harmonies, flute
Al Damlund - sax
Flemming Kassebeer - bodhran
John von Daler - fiddle
Henning Pedersen - guitar
1. Djævelens ni spørgsmål (The Devil's nine questions)
Old trad.
Sven Norman meets the Devil and has to answer nine rare questions before he's allowed to continue his fare. And don't worry - he's a clever boy!
2. Hr. Peders sørejse (Sir Peders sea-fare)
Old trad.
Peder is warned by his grandmother, but even so, he set sails on his ship build of whalebones. But the ship stops in the middle of nowhere and the sailors decided to throw dizes to see who has been the greatest sinner of them all and to throw that person in the sea in order to please the sea-gods. And guess who gets the honour?
3. Min lille bylt (My litle bundle )
by Bente Kure
"We just met and all in a sudden you say that you love me. Well, I don't hope that you overlooked that little bundle of hurt feelings in the corner, for my heart's not realy ready yet."
4. Jomfruens syv brødre (The maidens 7 brothers)
Old trad.
The knight meets the 7 brothers in the wood. They threatend him because he's been messing about with their sister. He kills them all in battle, but it doesn't seem that there has been any kind of family-happines there, 'cause the maiden says "As long as you're safe, my love, I couldn't care less about my brothers!"
5. De to kongebørn (The prince and the princess)
Old trad.
The prince on one coast, the princess on the oposit. They want to be together and she says to him (though there were no mobile phones in these days!?!)that she will light a fire to show him the way to swim over to her coast. But an evil woman turns out the fire, and he drowns.The old fisherman gets him in his net and the princess kisses him and join him to the bottom of the sea....where we hope according to Disney, that they live happily ever after!
6. Liden Kirsten (Fair Kirsten)
Old trad. and Bente Kure
About Kirsten who gets so attracted to the sea king that she in the end joins him in the deep, dark, wet, blue ocean - and it actually doesn't sound all that!
7. Styrke/svaghed (Strength and weekness)
by Bente Kure
About how what seems to be your weekness often turns out to be your true strength - and oposit.
8.Pigen fra Viksø (The girl from Viksø)
Old trad.
A young girl getting pregnant, but she's not married, so when she gives birth to twins, she drowns them in the river. But her brother watched, and wants to save her soul, so he reports her to the king who convicts her to be beheaded. Her mother tries to buy her free, but then the young girl raises and shouts "Noone's ever gonna pay for me again!!" (so now we know why she got pregnant in the first place!). And then it gets very bloody. A very strong statement from the past!
9. Snebær (Snowberries)
by Lene Malmstrøm and Bente Kure
"There cannot grow snowberries in the field of anger, there cannot grow heather in the moor of loss, it is up to you to choose your own path to joy and happiness, you yourself are the only one who can give the right name to your nights."
10. Det er idag et solskinsvejr (It's a lovely sunshiny day)
by Ludvig Holstein and Poul Schierbeck
It's the first day of spring, so I will buy flowers and bring them to the one I love and say: "Let's forget about winter now!- Yes?"
11. Sigøjnersangen (The tinkers song)
Old trad.
A tinker sits by the bonfire and sings about his longing to Spain where he comes from. And also sings about how tinkers are humans like anyone else.
12. Hans Nielsens får (Hans Nielsens sheep)
Old trad.
The middleaged farmer has got everything - his farm, lots of grain and lots of gold, but he also wants a wife and has fallen in love with his neighbours daughter. But she rejects him because of his crooked legs. At the end of the song he says: "How lucky you are all you men with straight legs!". And she sings: "How lucky we are all us women with long dresses!!"
13.Koen Maren (Maren - the cow)
Old trad.
The true story about the cow that broke it's leg, and because she gave so much milk, in stead of getting knocked down she got a woodden leg from the vet's sofa! And after that all her calves were born with woodden legs! Hm...well...maybe the last part of the story isn't totally
14.En yndig og frydefuld sommertid (Oh, what a lovely and joyful summertime)
Old trad.
"Oh, isn't it a lovely summer with all the flowers - specially the roses - and talking about roses - I happend to know the most wonderful of them all - and I think about him all the time - even in my sleep!"
15.Jeg gik mig ud en sommerdag (I went out on a summersday)
Old trad.
"And in the green halls there was a bird singing like it was from my own heart - it gave sound to all my joy and pain."
16.Oh, hjælp mig , Madonna (Oh, help me Madonna)
Old trad.
The young maiden prays to Madonna to make her love come back - eventhough he betrayed her and kissed another! - I wonder will we ever learn; it was like that then....and it still is!
17.Marken er mejet (The fields are harvested)
Old trad.
"Now we have finished the harvest, but left a bit of straw and grain for the poor and the birds - because that is right to do. And now we will celebrate!"
18.Røde Anna (Anna the redhead)
Old trad.
Anna is mobbed by the whole village because of her red hair. But then the rich landlord take her for his bride (because when she's a redhead noone will take her away from him, he thinks!) and after that she's the lady of the manor, and noone teases her anymore!
19.Det lysner over agres felt (Light over the land)
by Ludvig Holstein and Poul Schierbeck.
About how beautyful the autumn can be with all it's bright light and strong colours.